Plagiarism Checker (Turnitin)

Turnitin is an originality checking and plagiarism prevention service that checks your writing for citation mistakes or inappropriate copying. When you submit your paper, Turnitin compares it to text in its massive database of student work, websites, books, articles, etc.
Turnitin is a tool that the institution uses to help students learn a variety of skills, including:
- The ability to think critically
- Examine.
- Combination.
- Paragraphs.
- Make a summary.
- References and citations.
Turnitin helps students display academic integrity in their work by teaching them how to use, develop, and communicate information in an original, honest, and responsible manner, which is a must-have trait for all academics.
Plagiarism detection software employs three unique similarity detection algorithms.
The first method: Using keyword analysis, which works the same as search engines, the programme examines all of the texts for those words in the uploaded paper to identify identical words.
The second method: Look for groups of words instead of individual words so that the programme looks for sequential or related terms in a single sentence to identify similar documents to the written research.
The third method: Searching for content matches by examining your writing style and comparing it to other publications.
It is not a strict word analysis, but it is a technique that considers the potential of specific word sequences appearing in one document and then compares them to other documents.
1. To register in Turnitin, you must use your NGU email address.
2. If you forget your password, you must memorize your security question.
3. You can get Enrollment Keys and Passwords from your instructor to enrol in classes.
4. If you submit an incorrect search paper, you can request that your instructor erase it, and the instructor will contact Turnitin Administrator for assistance.
5. Ensure that you submit the correct paper to its class assignment.
To create a Turnitin account, you must first contact Turnitin. Administrator.
You will receive a welcome E-mail.
How to Register Using Welcome E-mail?
After the assignment is added, students' research papers can be submitted in three ways.
1. Let them subject themselves (How?).
2. You can submit their papers instead of all of them individually. (How?)
3. You can submit their papers instead of all of them in several. (How?)
And also; You can download the submitted paper's receipt provided then. (How?)
Following papers submission, you can review the students' papers and similarity reports, check recently submitted research, and manage all assignments. (How?)
You can also add TA to the class to assist you. (How?)
Your Instructor will always send you your Class ID and Enrollment Key.
You must use the NGU e-mail address to avoid having your username deleted by the administrator.
How to register in Turnitin using the Class ID and Enrollment Key?
After registering with the Class Enrollment Key, You have enrolled Yourself in the class; You can enrol in another course using a new Class ID and Enrollment Key.
You can upload your research after enrolling in a Class.
Downloading submitted papers and digital receipts is a piece of evidence that you have submitted your assignment.
After submitting your research paper, Turnitin will generate a similarity report.
you can get more knowledge about similarity reports by Click Here