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Why Pharmacy Subject Guide?
The Subject Guide is a web portal created by NGU's library, to aid and facilitate library users, in finding information resources regarding topics that are relevant to the school of Pharmacy, and its related subjects in any available form:
Theses and Dissertations
Call Number
The collections of the NGU Libraries are classified in ascending order according to a call number consists of Dewey Decimal Classification 23 (DDC23) number, according to the topic of each resource, by which chosen to be fit on the resource topic to describe, and the alphabetic arrangement of the first two letters of the main author’s last name and the first letter from the title of the resource.

547: is the classification number from Dewey Decimal Classification 23, and it refers to the book's topic (Organic chemistry).
MC: the first two letters from the main author's last name (McMurry).
O: is the first letter from the book's title (Organic chemistry).
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Most Borrowed Books
BNF 79: March - September 2020, London: BMJ Group: Pharmaceutical Press / Royal Pharmaceutical Society, 2019 | Link on OPAC
BNF 76: September 2018-March 2019, London: British Medical Association: Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain, 2018 | Link on OPAC
Biochemistry demystified / Sharon Walker, David McMahon, Demystified series, New York: McGraw-Hill, 2008 | Link on OPAC
Related Subjects books
Egyptian Knowledge Bank (EKB)
The Egyptian Knowledge Bank is an Egyptian project established in 2014 to serve all of the Egyptian Citizens by accessing them to the richest scientific databases as an open-source for information.
Related Databases for Pharmacy School from EKB:
Open Access Databases
EBSCO Discovery Service
The NGU Library provided access to EBSCO Discovery Service On-Campus only, due to its dependence on the IP proxies of the New Giza University, and we are seeking to provide the access off-campus too very soon.
Related Subjects E-Books Databases
Egyptian Knowledge Bank Journals
The Egyptian Knowledge Bank also provides databases of journals and articles, to support the school of Pharmacy's topics.
Related Databases for pharmacy School from EKB:
Open Access Databases for school of Pharmacy
NGU Library Subscriptions
Citing a resource means that to refer to the place or the resource that you depended on to have specific information, idea, theories, Images, etc.
School of Pharmacy Most Used Citations
Citation Tools
Citation Tools are free software that can help you to manage your citation.
Turnitin is a platform serving the research process for students, researchers, and instructors by avoiding plagiarism and ensuring the authenticity of the research.
- How to use Turnitin? (Instructors).
- How to use Turnitin? (Students).
Which library I can use?
Besides the usage of all of our libraries, you can also use the Library of Dentistry and Pharmacy, Which is specified to serve your school at Building (C), 1st and Second floor.