Digital Resources Directory

175 Result(s) Found
TDX (Theses and Dissertations Online )
Description: TDX (Theses and Dissertations Online) is a digital cooperative repository of doctoral theses presented at some Spanish universities. The consultation of theses is opened and allows the user to construct searches on the complete text of the files by author, advisor, title, keywords, university and department of publication, year of defense, etc.
The Egyptian Journal Of Hospital Medicine EJHM
Description: An open-access journal covering all aspects of medicine including clinical trials in different areas of treatment, diagnostic, measurements-focused, observational, prognostic, and qualitative studies, as well as systematic reviews, meta-analyses, and case reports. Users have the right to read, download, copy, distribute, print, and search.
The Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential
Description: The Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential is a unique, experimental research work of the Union of International Associations. It is currently published as a searchable online platform with profiles of world problems, action strategies, and human values that are interlinked in novel and innovative ways. These connections are based on a range of relationships such as broader and narrower scope, aggravation, relatedness and more. By concentrating on these links and relationships, it is uniquely positioned to bring focus to the complex and expansive sphere of global issues and their interconnected nature.
The Free Dictionary
Description: All of TheFreeDictionary's reference databases are included in the default search (all dictionaries and encyclopedias). Your initial search results will be based on whatever tab (dictionary or encyclopedia) is currently selected. The display results will come from Wikipedia if the Wikipedia tab is selected. If you're on the homepage, the search results will come from the Dictionary/Thesaurus tab.
The Journal of Arts and Applied Sciences = مجلة الفنون والعلوم التطبيقية
Description: The Journal of Arts and Applied Sciences is a periodical leading peer-reviewed international journal. It originated in January 2014, issued regularly every three months (January- April - July - October) every year. Exceptional issues might be published in a certain subject specially by faculty members, researchers, and specialists in research and artistic centers inside or outside Egypt. All manuscripts must be prepared in English or Arabic, and are subjected to a fair peer-review process. The Journal contributes in the field of scientific research to open access of papers while retaining the intellectual property rights of authors, originality, and creativity of scientific research.
The Library of Economics and Liberty (Econlib)
Description: The Economic and Library Liberty (Econlib) is devoted to the advancement of economics, markets, and liberty research. It provides a one-of-a-kind collection of tools for students, instructors, researchers, and economic thinkers. Liberty Fund, Inc., a private educational foundation founded to support the study of the goal of a society of free and responsible individuals, hosts the website. The Foundation plans directs, and funds its educational initiatives, to encourage debate and reflection on long-term issues related to the formation and preservation of such a society.
The Met
Description: All images of public-domain works in The Met collection are available under Creative Commons Zero (CC0). So whether you're an artist or a designer, an educator or a student, a professional or a hobbyist, you now have more than 375,000 images of artworks from our collection to use, share, and remix—without restriction.
The New York Academy of Sciences (Wiley Digital Archive)
Description: Wiley Digital Archives is a continual program of new databases made up of unique or uncommon historical primary sources digitized from prominent societies, libraries, and archives throughout the world and made accessible in ways that are directly related to research and instructional aims. All of the Archives are cross-searchable, with capabilities for searching, browsing, analyzing, and visualizing primary source content.
The Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) Knowledge and Resources
Description: Explore a collection of 150,000 books and periodicals and an outstanding body of primary source material.
The World Bank Open Knowledge Repository (OKR)
Description: The World Bank is the single most important source of development information. The World Bank Open Knowledge Repository (OKR) is the official open access repository for the World Bank's research outputs and knowledge products.
The World Factbook
Description: The World Factbook, created for US policymakers and coordinated across the US Intelligence Community, exposes the fundamental realities of our world. We share these facts with people from all over the world because we believe that knowing the truth is essential to the operation of free societies.
Description: Dictionary brings you Thesaurus, the world's largest and most trusted free online thesaurus. has been helping millions of individuals improve their English language skills and locate the exact word with over 3 million synonyms and antonyms for over 20 years.
Description: TheStreet is a financial website that provides news, analysis, and data on the stock market and investing. It was founded in 1996 by Jim Cramer and Marty Peretz, and it is one of the most popular financial websites in the world.
UNESDOC Digital Library
Description: With over 350,000 papers dating back to 1945, the UNESCO Digital Library is the custodian of UNESCO's institutional memory and a source of high-quality information on UNESCO activities (in education, natural sciences, social and human sciences, culture, and communication and information - sharing). It contains the UNESCO Library's collections, the UNESCO Archives, and other documentation centres in UNESCO's Field Offices and Institutes. The UNESCO Digital Library's goal is to share information and pass it on to future generations.
Description: VADS provides a national collection of over 140,000 images from over 300 art and design collections across the UK, which are freely available for non-commercial use in education. The images cover the broad range of the visual arts including applied arts, architecture, design, fashion, fine art, and media. VADS is a service of the Library at the University for the Creative Arts (UCA).
Web of Science (WOS)
Description: The Web of Science is a database that includes transdisciplinary and regional citation indexes, as well as speciality subject indexes, a patent family index, and a database of scientific data sets. Researchers can search broadly across heterogeneous resources and leverage the citation links inherent in the index to browse relevant research results and quantify impact using the Web of Science's common search language, navigation environment, and data structure.
Description: WebMD is a leading online health information platform that provides valuable and reliable medical information to the public. The platform was launched in 1996 and has since become one of the most popular and comprehensive health websites.
Description: The Global Emergency Medicine Wiki is the largest and most popular open-access reference resource for emergency medicine in the world. Its much-praised content is freely accessible via the internet and mobile applications. Join their contributor group if you are a medical professional and want to share your valuable information with the rest of the world.
Wiley Online Library
Description: The Wiley Online Library offers a diverse collection of 1,500 journals, 250 reference works, and 22,000 online books. Half of it is co-published with major worldwide academic and professional groups. Our titles span the life, health, and physical sciences, as well as social science and the humanities, with many titles at the forefront of their fields.
Wolfram MathWorld
Description: MathWorld is the web's most extensive mathematical resource, provided as a free service to the world's mathematics and internet communities as part of Wolfram Research's commitment to education and educational outreach.
World Bank Open Data
Description: The Development Data Group of the World Bank manages statistical and data activities while also maintaining several macros, financial, and sector databases. The group is guided by professional standards in the gathering, compilation, and dissemination of data, and works closely with the Bank's regions and Global Practices to ensure that all data users may have trust in the quality and integrity of the data produced.
World Development Indicators (WDI)
Description: The World Development Indicators (WDI) are a set of economic, social, and environmental indicators based on data from the World Bank and more than 30 partners. With data dating back to 1960, the database covers over 900 indicators for 210 economies. For country/group series, certain year ranges can be set.
World History Encyclopedia
Description: Encyclopedia of World History is a non-profit educational company established in 2009 by Jan van der Kraben. The organization publishes and maintains articles, photos, videos, podcasts, and interactive educational tools related to history.
Description: YourDictionary is a trustworthy, easy-to-understand guide to everything you need to know about words and language. YourDictionary helps you find the correct definition or synonym, as well as to answer your questions about language, literature, and culture, whether you're a student or a lifelong learner.
Description: zbMATH Open now has 4.2 million bibliographic entries with reviews or abstracts from over 3,000 journals and book series, as well as 190,000 volumes. Because of the integration of the "Jahrbuch über die Fortschritte der Mathematik" database, its coverage extends from the 18th century to the current day. The database contains about one million profiles of identifiable writers linked to multiple platforms, the swMATH mathematical software database, around 35 million references, and links to full-text platforms and Q&A communities like MathOverflow.